For those of you we haven't gotten to talk to about Heidi's birthday, we thought we'd put the whole story up here for you guys to read - then we can tell you about the details when you get to meet her!
For us, the excitment began early Wednesday morning. Darcie was awake at about 12:30am after only being asleep for an hour or so. She started having some contractions, but was sweet enough to let me sleep. I was startled awake by one around 1:30, so we decided we better start keeping track.
The contractions intensified so that by 6:30am we called the doctor and he told us to go ahead and come on in to the hospital. Once we got there, the nurse took her time checking Darice in because, as she later told us, she didn't think she was that far along because she was managing the pain so well. But, when she checked her she said, "Oh, my! You're at a 4.5 - we'd better get you guys a room!"
The contractions continued to increase in frequency and duration. By around 11am, she was dialated to a 6 and made the decision to go ahead and get an epidural - a decision she says, "I'd do it again!" She loved it. After that, the OB decided to go ahead and break her water to move things along. We were all expecting a baby before dinner.
We waited, and waited, and waited, but Heidi just wasn't ready to come yet. So, since I was no longer coaching Darcie through the pain - we just played cards and watched TV as our poor parents sat forever out in the lobby waiting for news.
Finally, around 7pm, Darice was at a 10 and the Dr. wanted her to start pushing just to see how well she could move the baby. After a few practice runs, they decided to tell her to start pushing for real and by 8:05, Heidi was here!
We didn't get to bed that night until 3am Thursday morning -but Heidi was sweet and let us sleep in till 6:30. We entertained lots of friends and family yesterday that came to meet her and we are heading home from the hospital this morning to introduce her to her new home!
Thank you all so much for your prayers, notes of encouragement, for checking up with us and for coming to visit. We've felt so loved through this process by all of you and treasure your friendship. For those of you who haven't gotten the chance to meet her, we're eager to introduce her to you!
Heidi Katharine means "the noble, pure one". We'd like for her bedtime stories to revolve around her two names, so if you come across any good ones - let us know!
Once we get home, we'll post lots more pictures for you guys to see!
Join us in giving great thanks and praise to God for His indescribable gift!