March 9, 2010

Saturday Morning Fun

Thought we should get at least one more Heidi post up before our blog is taken over by news of our Israel trip. We'll be using our blog to keep parents, friends and folks back in the States updated on all we're seeing and doing there, so check back often! We leave on Friday!

So, before that happens, heeeeere's Heidi! She quite the little singer now, learning new songs all the time. We think it's pretty cute. There's no denying it.


  1. Those are great videos! Has she signed with a record label yet?

  2. Yeah you're right... no denying it... ADORABLE! We miss you guys tons and are praying for the Israel trip!

  3. ahhh gooo heidi! you are cute girl. don't worry, I won't let mommy & daddy show the second one when you're older :)
